
Rading Notes: Life of Buddha part E

(dab) Howdy again everyone, NitroDubbz back at it again with the white Vans. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm really back with more of the Life of Buddha. Wow, exciting! Without further ado, let's get it started (haha Black Eyed Peas reference). Buddha is still in Rajagriha. Sariputra and Maudgalyayana, two Brahma of Rajagriha, become disciples of Buddha.  A lot of people in Rajagriha don't like the Buddha because I guess everyone is following him and abandoning their families or committing suicide, I'm not really sure, it wasn't too clear. Although I agree. The Buddha sounds like a troublemaker. No society can get by if everyone is just laying around meditating all day. But anyways, everyone decides to stop bullying the Buddha. Meanwhile, Suddhodhana sends a messenger to Siddhartha telling him to return home. Buddha decides that he will return back to Kapilavatsu. Then Buddha tells the story of the Crane and the Crab. Buddha and his disciples were mak...

Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part F

(source) Howdy again everyone. NitroDubbz here. Today is my last reading :'( I know, I'm just as sad as you are. But all things must come to and end. So let's get started. Buddha is back home in Kapilavatsu, begging in the street for alms (how ironic). Gopa sees him and tells Suddhodhana, who is upset that Siddhartha, a prince born of the warrior caste, is out begging in the streets. When confronted, Siddhartha tells him of his past life as Dharmapala, where he got his hands and feet cut of because of some stupid stuff. So anyways then a bunch of maids of the palace come to pay their respects to the Buddha, all except Gopa. He goes and finds that she has cast aside all of her possessions in order to be an ascetic like Buddha. He then praises her virtue. Nanda was selected by Suddhodhana to be the next king, since Siddhartha went off to become the Buddha. But then Buddha infects Nanda with his mind-parasite, and so Nanda decides to follow Buddha instead of fulf...

Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part D

(source) Howdy folks, NitroDubbz here! Today I'm going to be reading more of the Life of Buddha. So Buddha (Siddhartha) has attained enlightenment and he's big chilling under the tree of knowledge. Mara comes and tries to seduce him but it doesn't work obviously. After several weeks of meditation, Buddha has his doubts about teaching mankind what he has learned. So Brahma comes down and gives him confidence that people will listen to him and understand him. After this encounter Buddha heads to Benares, where his followers all went after they abandoned him. When he gets to Benares his old followers all see him and try to hold their grudges against him, but he's so cool and divine that they all can't help but worship him. All of his old followers decide to follow his teachings again, so he tells them the story of the Hermit and the Hare, which he reveals to them was actually one of his past lives. Buddha meets some musicians and he tells them to...

Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part C

(source) Howdy again everyone, NitroDubbz here. Today I'm reading more of the life of Buddha. Let's get started. Previously: Siddhartha just went off into the forest to be a hermit. He becomes an ascetic under Arata Kamala. He realizes that all that the hermits are doing is indulging in suffering. They haven't overcome or figured anything important out. So he decides to leave them and head to Magadha. Siddhartha arrives at the city of Rajagriha and meditates on a mountainside near the city. People are so moved by his presence that they inform the king who rides out to meet him. The king offers Siddhartha his kingdom and all the riches that he has, but Siddhartha told him that he has rid himself of desire. The king is moved and asks Siddhartha to return and teach him once he has discovered the truth. Siddhartha decides to leave the city and gains some disciples along the way. Siddhartha then sits at the banks of the Nairanjana and meditates until he stops breathin...

Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part B

(source) Howdy folks, NitroDubbz here. I'm back today with more of the life of Buddha. So without further ado, let's begin! Suddhodhana doesn't want Siddhartha to leave. So he builds him huge, lavish palaces and forbids him from leaving them. Siddhartha is just chilling and laying around enjoying life pretty much. Then his wife, Gopa, bears him a son. Then someone comes to the temple talking about how beauty has begun to return to the forest after winter has ended. Siddhartha is drawn to the forest and Suddhodhana reluctantly allows him to leave. Suddhodhana orders the streets cleared of beggars, elderly, and the infirm, to prevent Siddhartha from seeing the bad parts of life. But the Gods want Siddhartha to experience all of life, so they put an old man in the middle of the road for him to see. Siddhartha is also introduced to sickness and death. He gets to his destination where a bunch of maidens are waiting to seduce him, but he just mopes around and ignores...

Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part A

(source) Howdy everyone, NitroDubbz here. Today I'm going to be reading the Life of Buddha. The story starts off with a fair and just king (Suddhodhana) of a very wealthy and extravagant kingdom, and his favorite wife, Maya. Maya wants to be kept away in the highest part of the palace, as far from earthly discomforts as she can, but she also wants the poor and unfortunate taken care of. Maya then has a dream from the Gods about giving birth to Siddhartha. She then gives birth to Siddhartha and the hermit Asita comes to visit and confirms that Siddhartha has come to put an end to rebirth. I'm not sure if in this context rebirth is reincarnation or the resetting of the universe like the Yugas with Shiva. Unforunately, Maya dies seven days after giving birth to Siddhartha. Mahaprajapati, Maya's sister, ends up taking care of Siddhartha as if he was her own. When Siddhartha is older, Mahaprajapati takes him to the temple and all the statues of the Gods come to life a...