Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part F

Howdy again everyone. NitroDubbz here. Today is my last reading :'(
I know, I'm just as sad as you are. But all things must come to and end. So let's get started.

Buddha is back home in Kapilavatsu, begging in the street for alms (how ironic). Gopa sees him and tells Suddhodhana, who is upset that Siddhartha, a prince born of the warrior caste, is out begging in the streets. When confronted, Siddhartha tells him of his past life as Dharmapala, where he got his hands and feet cut of because of some stupid stuff.

So anyways then a bunch of maids of the palace come to pay their respects to the Buddha, all except Gopa. He goes and finds that she has cast aside all of her possessions in order to be an ascetic like Buddha. He then praises her virtue.

Nanda was selected by Suddhodhana to be the next king, since Siddhartha went off to become the Buddha. But then Buddha infects Nanda with his mind-parasite, and so Nanda decides to follow Buddha instead of fulfilling his duties.

Siddhartha's son, Rahula follows him as he is begging for alms. He asks Siddhartha for his inheritance, and the Buddha agrees. He gives Rahula to Sariputra so that he may be taught of the seven virtues. 

A religious merchant named Anathapindika comes to visit the Buddha at the bamboo grove and brings him a ton of money and stuff as gifts.

Nanda is struggling with his worldly desires and he is told by the Buddha to overcome them. He ends up overcoming his pride.

Suddhodhana dies, but he is enlightened before death when he sees his son.

Well, that's all folks. No more readings from old NitroDubbz. Until next time...


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