Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part A

Howdy everyone, NitroDubbz here. Today I'm going to be reading the Life of Buddha.

The story starts off with a fair and just king (Suddhodhana) of a very wealthy and extravagant kingdom, and his favorite wife, Maya. Maya wants to be kept away in the highest part of the palace, as far from earthly discomforts as she can, but she also wants the poor and unfortunate taken care of.

Maya then has a dream from the Gods about giving birth to Siddhartha. She then gives birth to Siddhartha and the hermit Asita comes to visit and confirms that Siddhartha has come to put an end to rebirth. I'm not sure if in this context rebirth is reincarnation or the resetting of the universe like the Yugas with Shiva.

Unforunately, Maya dies seven days after giving birth to Siddhartha. Mahaprajapati, Maya's sister, ends up taking care of Siddhartha as if he was her own. When Siddhartha is older, Mahaprajapati takes him to the temple and all the statues of the Gods come to life and bow to him.

When Buddha is older he goes to learn from a teacher, but he pretty much already knows everything. So he sits under a tree to meditate.

Suddhodhana wants Siddhartha to get married, so Siddhartha asks him to find a woman who is modest and ascetic-like. Suddhodhana employs his priest to go find a girl like that. He finds Gopa who they put through a test. She passses of course. Then Gopa and Siddhartha get married.

That's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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