Reading Notes: Life of Buddha part D

Howdy folks, NitroDubbz here! Today I'm going to be reading more of the Life of Buddha.

So Buddha (Siddhartha) has attained enlightenment and he's big chilling under the tree of knowledge. Mara comes and tries to seduce him but it doesn't work obviously.

After several weeks of meditation, Buddha has his doubts about teaching mankind what he has learned. So Brahma comes down and gives him confidence that people will listen to him and understand him. After this encounter Buddha heads to Benares, where his followers all went after they abandoned him. When he gets to Benares his old followers all see him and try to hold their grudges against him, but he's so cool and divine that they all can't help but worship him.

All of his old followers decide to follow his teachings again, so he tells them the story of the Hermit and the Hare, which he reveals to them was actually one of his past lives.

Buddha meets some musicians and he tells them to go in search of themselves, but they just make fun of them. He plays the lute perfectly to impress them and then tells them the tale of King Padmaka once he has earned their respect.

The story of King Padmaka is a story about a king whose subjects are all dying of a disease and then he turns himself into a fish to save them.

Buddha returns to King Vimbarasa (the king from earlier who told him to come back and teach him) 

Anyways, that's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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