Week 8 Reading and Writing

How excited I am when I get to work on Indian Epics homework (source)

Howdy folks! NitroDubbz here today with some reflection and introspection.

I like my blog and website layout. They're very simple, but I like minimalism and simplicity. You should see my room, I have like three things in it. My reading notes help me quite a bit with my writing, not because I revisit them, but because the act of note-taking forces me to organize my thoughts and stop to process over the information I've read. So far my favorite story has been the Ramayana. I thoroughly enjoyed it throughout. The Mahabharata was a total bore-fest for the first half. At least I thought it was because it was very confusing having so many characters introduced so quickly.

This is my favorite image so far. It's a screenshot of the character Woods from Call of Duty Black Ops, which is one of my favorite games. I was basically picturing Alex from the Art Girl Rescue saga as Woods the entire time I was writing. I also thought the caption I put was funny because of how stupid it was.

Looking forward I hope to improve my writing in general. People have been giving me a lot of good feedback (especially Mz. Gibbs) and I enjoy getting practice writing and having the creative freedom to be as silly or bizarre as I want with my writing, at least while still adhering to a basic premise. 

Well, that's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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