Week 8 Progress

FINISHING MOVE!!! (source)

Howdy everyone. It is I, Dubbz of the Nitro, here again with another blog post.

This neat little gif is from a show called Gurren Lagann, directed by one of my favorite directors in animation, Hiroyuki Imaishi. Everything he makes is pretty much the same, but his style is different enough from everyone else that he can get away with it because it fits into its' own niche. 

The reason I chose this picture is because the main motif of the show is about continual improvement and getting a little better every day until you are able to reach a lofty goal. I think that consistency and determination is very important, and relevant to today's blog post!

I usually try to stay a week ahead in this class so I can have a buffer in case the workload of my other classes suddenly increases, which is what has happened this week. I looked at my gradebook and I've got a little over half of the points, but I'd like to finish this class early so I can focus more on my other classes in the last few weeks of school, so I think I'm going to start doing 2-3 extra credit assignments every week, as well as staying two weeks ahead instead of just one week ahead. I think that will be easy enough to do, it's just a matter of not getting distracted or putting it off.

Well, that's all for today ladies and gentlemen. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


  1. That gif you posted looks really cool. I may need to checkout Gurren Lagann. I have never heard of that show before. I liked how you related the show back to your comment! I like that you set a goal for yourself to stay two weeks ahead! For me the hardest thing is staying focused. When I start doing an assignment I always get sidetracked on the Internet. Good luck with everything though!


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