Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Shri-shri-shrimpidee-doo (source)

Howdy again friends, it's your old pal NitroDubbz back with some reflection on my (and your) comments and feedback.

I chose this picture for a couple of reasons. Mostly because I like shrimp and crawdads. Nothing beats a nice crawdad with some butter. If you've never had them before I recommend trying crawdads with some steamed red potatoes and and corn on the cob and coarse salt. My mouth is watering now just thinking about those ugly little red mini-lobsters.

Anyways as for my comment feedback. I'll admit sometimes I don't give as good of feedback as I could. The worst feedback I give is whenever I enjoy a story a lot. If I enjoy a story, it's difficult for me to find any flaws to point out, so I usually just give praise. But praise doesn't do anything to help a writer improve, it can be a good moral booster, but ultimately constructive criticism is what allows us to grow. So if I could say one area I need to improve, it's that I need to be meaner.

Just kidding! In all seriousness though, I am a big fan of constructive criticism. I very much appreciate the corrections and critiques left in my blog comments. I think I enjoy reading criticism more than praise, I guess I'm just a masochist. 

I think my intro could be improved. I didn't realize the amount of detail people were going to go into. I don't particularly enjoy talking about myself so I figured I'd just do a book review, but I might go and explain who I am a little bit better just to be fair, since everyone else made theirs very personal.

Anyways, that's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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