Week 12 Story: Exorcist Parashurama Part 4

"Brb, destroying the universe" (source)

Parashurama threw a wad of twenty-dollar bills at the cab driver and leapt from the passenger seat, calling back a brief thanks over his shoulder.

Parashurama burst through the door of the house. There was no demonic presence here anymore. He went up to the attic to investigate. He had been too late. The Tavakoli family, or what was left of them, was on the floor of the attic, their corpses mostly eaten. Parashurama knew he was dealing with Pishacha, the demons who sustained themselves on human flesh. No doubt they were out there now, still gathering strength. He went downstairs a turned on the news to confirm the suspicions he had had earlier. On the TV was the football game, being held in the stadium downtown. Tens of thousands of spectators were there. If his theory was correct, the Pischacha would be making their way down to the stadium for a ritual sacrifice. Their goal? Most likely to awaken Shiva and end the Kali Yuga prematurely. Basically, that was bad news. 

He went to the garage and found a can of gasoline, dousing the house in it. No time for a proper burial. He then called up the same cab driver, who was having the most profitable day of his entire life, and had him drive to the stadium as fast as he could.

Parashurama got to the stadium and immediately began to run. He leapt over the security fence, dodging guards as he made his way towards the center of the arena. He thought he heard loud cheering, but as he drew closer he realized it was horrified screaming. He came out on the other side of the entry tunnel and was blinded by the sunlight shining into the open-air stadium. Spectators were scrambling over each other and pushing past him to get out of the stadium. As Parashurama's eyes adjusted, he saw giant red figures standing in the center of the football field. Tossing the players about like ragdolls, eating them whole and growing larger each time. Parashurama knew they would soon be summoning the Lord Shiva. In the blink of an eye in recited the mantra that called forth Vidyudabhi, his divine axe, and called out to the demons in the field:

"You were foolish if you thought your plan would work. I escaped the spirit world and I am here to put an end to you."

the largest and ugliest pischacha looked at Parashurama and addressed him,

"Our plan has already been realized. Enough blood has been spilled that Shiva is already starting to wake up. Soon he will end this Yuga and when the universe has restarted, we will have the same power we did in the days of old."

Parashurama didn't need to listen to the pischacha anymore. Without saying a thing, cracked his head in two with his axe, and made quick work of the remaining demons, killing them each with one blow.

Just as Parashurama finished, he felt the ground beneath him rumbling. The enormous body of Shiva rose from the crumbling floor of the stadium. He looked very drowsy and was struggling to keep his eyes open. He spoke in a booming voice.

"I was awoken by great bloodshed in my name, is it time already to bring this age to an end?"

The normally towering Parashurama looked like an ant next to Shiva. He looked up and addressed Shiva directly:

"No Lord Shiva, some pischacha were trying to confuse you and end the universe prematurely. There are still two billion years left. Go back to sleep."

Shiva mumbled something and disappeared back into the earth.

After that, the government agents were quick to arrive on the scene. They recognized Parashurama immediately, they had a hundred-year file on him. He explained the situation and they thanked him. Later Parashurama saw on the TV that their official explanation was an earthquake. He turned the TV off and sat down on his living room floor to meditate.

Author Note:

Well that's the end of that story. I didn't really know where it was going to end up, but I thought it needed higher stakes so I decided to add Shiva to the story. I also thought I needed to explain the motivation of the bad guys, trying to restart the universe so they can become powerful again. I also really liked the idea of the government knowing about Parashurama since he's so old, it gives the feeling that this isn't the first time something crazy has happened that the government has had to cover up. Anyways, that's all for today. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz


  1. Hey Nitrodubbz,
    I always enjoy reading your stories because you make the concepts of the stories easy to follow. I also think you have a great imagination; I could never come up with the stuff you do. I like this weeks story because you combine the modern world with the ancient characters. I also liked that you brought Shiva into the story, it made things way more intense.

  2. I like the casual tone of your stories, Nitrodubbz. It's like a friend is relaying a story to me. Parashurama sounds like he wears a trench coat or a leather jacket and walks around with sunglasses even when it's cloudy. He gives me a John Constantine kind of vibe, if you know who that is. One part that was a bit confusing: when you say, "Without saying a thing, cracked his head in two with his axe..." it sounds like he cracked his own head with his axe. Obviously, he didn't but that could be more clear.


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