Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales part B

Sonichu is speculated to be a previous incarnation of Buddha (source)

The Two Pigs:

Some pigs are about to be eaten but one of them is virtuous and moves all the people of the kingdom, so nobody gets eaten.

The Patient Buffalo:

A monkey decides to mess with a big jacked buffalo. The buffalo could easily turn the monkey into paste, but he decides not to because why should he punish the monkey for being annoying? It's not the monkey's fault that he's obnoxious, nature made him that way.

The Sarabha:

A king is hunting a really cool deer. The king falls off of his horse and is injured. The deer decides to save the king. The two become friends. The end.

The Goblin Town:

Some shipwrecked sailors land on an island full of women. One of the sailors finds out that the women are actually goblins. Some of the sailors don't believe him. A big white horse comes to save all of the believers, the rest stay behind and presumably become goblin fodder.

The Great Elephant:

An elephant sacrifices himself to provide sustenance for dying travelers in a desert.

The Forest Fire:

There is a baby bird who is unable to grow wings and fly. One day a forest fire comes through and his family flies off. He goes up to the fire and is like "ayy gtfo" and the fire stops altogether. Happily ever after etc.

The Golden Goose:

A goose is really cool and epic.

The Noble Horse:

A noble horse leads his owner's kingdom into victory against seven armies, then dies at the end, but tells his owner to spare the captured soldiers. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Well, that's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.;view=2up;seq=20


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