Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales part A

Illustration of the Jatakas (source)

Howdy everyone, NitroDubbz here. Today I'm gonna be reading the Twenty Jataka Tales by Noor Inayat. Without further ado let us begin.

The Monkey Bridge:

Monkeys live happily by a big 'ol mango tree. Humans want the mangoes so they come to kill all the monkeys, the monkey king sacrifices himself to lead his subjects to freedom. The human king is so moved by his royal honor that he spares all of the monkeys and everyone lives happily ever after.

The Guilty Dogs:

The palace dogs chew up the leather of the royal carriage. The king decides a reasonable thing to do would be to put all dogs in the city to death. The dog leader comes to the palace and proves the innocence of the town dogs. The king is moved and spares every dog in the city.


Deer are hunted every day in a certain kingdom, the deer are tired of collateral damage so every day they pick one of their own to be sacrificed in the hunt. One day the King of Deer offers himself up as sacrifice to take the place of a mommy deer with a little baby deer. The human king is moved by the Deer King's sacrifice and he decides to spare all animals from now on.

The Fairy and the Hare:

Okay this one is stupid. A hare attempts to self-immolate in order to feed an old man. His selflessness earns him a portait on the moon.

The Young Parrot:

A parrot steals rice from a farmer to feed his parents. The rice farmer is touched by the parrot's motives and lets him have all the rice he wants.

The Empty Lake:

A fish king prays for his lake to be re-filled with water and the rain and thunder Gods abide.

The Swan Kingdom:


The Master's Nest:

Okay, this one is actually pretty good. A master, of like priesthood or something, tells his pupils to steal in order to get the money that they need. Since they are holy men their theft is righteous and justified. One of his pupils has too much integrity to steal, and the master is like "hey you passed my test."

Well, that's all for today. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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