Reading Notes: Jataka part B

Howdy again everyone, NitroDubbz here. Today I'm going to be reading more Jatakas.

Most of these are new so I have quite a bit of new material to cover.


Not much of a moral to this one, basically the crows don't like the owl because the owls frown.


Thrifty merchant vs. Foolish merchant, you can guess who comes out on top in this story. Basically the foolish merchant is eager to leave and doesn't think carefully about what needs to be done, he ends up paying the price, and the thrifty merchant ends up getting all of his stuff after he dies.

Elephant Girly-face:

A kind and gentle elephant learns by example. I suppose the moral of this one is that people are influenced by their environments and the people around them.

Prince and the water sprite:

I'm not really sure about this one. I guess that being virtuous will always be rewarding? I guess the water sprite was the test of character that best determined who should be king.

White Elephant:

I'm not really sure what the moral is here. This one was just a story with no real point.


This is the classic fable. Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered. My uncle in Colombia owned a pig farm and I'll never forget how scared I was as a kid when a 600-lb sow started thrashing around angrily in its little pen. I'm not a big fan of pigs.


This one is about an elephant who is very pampered but then realizes that it's his responsibility to take care of his grandma as she ages. It's a classic story of responsibility and growing up, I think this one was my favorite of the bunch.

Anyways, that's all for today. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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