Reading Notes: Jataka part A

Fish are dumb (source)

Howdy everyone, NitroDubbz back again. Today is week two of Jatakas. I'm not sure how many more Jatakas I can read before I go insane, but anyways here's my take on the best.

Three Fishes:

Two dumb fish get lazy and greedy and it almost gets them killed, except their wise fish friend saves them. The moral of the story is not to test your luck longer than you need to.

Wolf and the Rats:

A wolf tricks a bunch of rats and pays the price with his life. This story is very similar to the story of the Crane and the Crab. Basically the moral is that if you are deceitful you will die.

Woodpecker, Turtle, and Deer:

A woodpecker and a turtle use their combined strengths to save their dear (see what I did there?) friend. The moral of this one is that it's better to work together with others.

Golden Goose:

A golden goose gives a poor family one feather each week out of kindness. The mother gets greedy and attempts to pluck all the feathers at once, which turns all of the goose's feathers into normal feathers. The goose then leaves and never comes back. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and don't be greedy.

Stupid Monkeys:

A king leaves some monkeys to water his trees. The monkeys then killed all of his trees. Don't entrust incompetent people with your responsibilities.

Otters and Wolf:

Otters squabble over a fish allowing a wolf to leave with the best parts of it. Be grateful for what you have and don't quarrel over trivial things.


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