Reading Notes: Jataka part A

Howdy everyone, NitroDubbz here again with more reading notes. 

Today I read some Jatakas, which are stories of the different lives (incarnations) of Buddha. They are fables which usually have an explicit moral that they try to teach.

Most of these I had already read earlier in the year, but I'll cover the four new ones.

The Merchant story

Basically there's an honest and a dishonest merchant. The dishonest merchant ends up losing out on a really good deal because of his dishonesty.

The Ox

A man mistreats his ox, which then refuses to work for him. The next day he treats it well and it happily pulls for him.

The Quails

Quails team up to keep from being caught, but eventually the begin fighting amongst themselves, which makes them easy prey. 

Measure of  Rice

A king fires a fair price-setter and hires one that is easily influenced, that way the king can get everything for practically free. But then someone bribes the price-setter, who ends up embarrassing the king. Basically if you hire someone dishonest, don't expect them to be loyal.

That's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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