Reading Notes: Mahabharata A

Hello everyone, NitroDubbz here! It's that time of the month again, more readings! This time it's the Mahabharata. I chose to read the R.K. Narayan translation, since last time I enjoyed the Narayan Ramayana so much, I thought I'd go with his version of the Mahabharata.

Okay so there's a lot to take in here. There are way more characters and backstory than in the Ramayana. I'm going to be summarizing more than analyzing, but that's for my own sake so I can try to keep everything straight. It's also difficult even ignoring the foreign names, because I think we remember people by their attributes and personalities, but there's not much characterization in this story so it's very difficult to keep track of everyone.

So essentially there are three princes, a blind one, a pale one, and a normal one, who all have a bunch of kids. The Pandava brothers and some other people seem to be the focus of this story. Their master, Drona, who is a Brahmin teaches them how to be warriors and he has them go get revenge on king Drupada who was arrogant to him a long time ago.

So anyways, the Pandavas become too popular, so the Blind King decides he's going to kill them off Game of Thrones style by inviting them to a house for some festival and then burning it down, but the Pandava brothers escape via a hole.

Then Bhima trolls a demon. Then Arjuna wins a contest and gets to marry Drapauni but she is shared between the brothers. 

That's all for today folks. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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