Time Strategies

"This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down." - Gollum

Time, that inescapable universal truth that follows us all. The best we can do is shake her off momentarily, but she will always linger close behind, at times her crushing weight like the boulder of Sisyphus. Try as we might to get ahead, our attempts are futile. No matter how strong our discipline, hers is stronger. 

Okay, that might be a little pessimistic. Of course, there are ways that we can minimize time-wastage. Some of the tenets of time management that I follow are list-making and SMART goals. The two go hand-in-hand. By breaking a smaller task down into its components and sub-components (specificity and attainability), you can maximize the number of boxes checked off, and consequentially, the amount of dopamine released. 

My current issue is micro-distractions. I can get distracted for only a few minutes at a time, but these add up to over an hour of non-productivity over the course of the day. If I used my working time more efficiently, I could allocate the wasted time to do something I might actually enjoy, rather than checking Snapchat for the 1000th time.

That's all for today my faithful followers. Until next time, I'm NitroDubbz.


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